"Kikoku Shijo" translates to "You can Never go Home Again".
You will find movie reviews (as they come), thoughts on current issues, things that I think about while working, and whatever else I want to put here. Thanks for reading. I promise that I will not use correct syntax or punctuation all the time.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Grande Venti Mocha Coffee?... So Black coffee then
So I'm pretty sure that Starbucks has ruined my life. I mean Venti is Italian for twenty. Grande means big and Tall sure as hell isn't small. People assume that all coffee shops use the same naming scale that Starbucks uses. How about Small, Medium, or Large? I like that. Well besides having to explain that single origin coffee from the port of Mocha, Yemen isn't actually chocolate coffee the day is going quite well. Joe Landreth is in PA for his vacation with his in-laws. I am currently managing Kahve Bean Coffee house in the Kuppa Coffee building. The day started early at about 5 this morning. After a steamy shower I wiped the haze out of my eyes and have been here since. It is surreal that finals are a minor scar from last week and that VSU's campus will be minus one Asian till January 12th. I have an entire month to work and relax (Oxymoron?). At this point working the coffee counter is a break from the tediousness of college. Christmas is next week and I have been wrapping presents for my friends and family. The older I get the more I see the Christmas season change, in my own eyes. Christmas use to mean lots of presents, eating at my grandparents and my mom putting that tattered red and black blanket up at the front of the hallway, to stop our peering eyes from seeing what Santa had brought. Today it means a lot more. The joy of Christmas has evolved into two things for me. First, it has become a time of year for reflection and enjoying the company of my parents. It isn't about the gifts anymore. I can't really believe that I am saying that. I love presents? Who doesn't? but, they are a small comparison to the times spent with the ones I care about.Yes, I know this is cliché in a sense, but true. I know that as some of you, if any, who are reading this are thinking, “He’s growing up.” Its not just that. I love toys and expect at least one for the holiday season, I mean I still buy legos every once in a while. I’m talking about a paradigm shift. It isn’t just about Christmas, it’s about valuing things that actually matter, and this can happen at almost any age above that of three.I have discovered how wonderfully interesting my parents are.They aren’t only my parents; I have finally earned their friendship, which is something that I value more than any present, unless it’s a Macbook Pro with Final cut 4. Well even then.
Second thing it means to me (and this one does mean I’m getting older) Christmas seems to be a reminder of the year that has gone by.As Lucas (my roommate) said, “They seem to come quicker and quicker.” I hope that Christmas continues to change, because each year it seems that things are different. I know it’s not really the holiday even though I’d like to think so. It is me that is changing. I just hope good things come from these changes. I also hope that I don’t kill customers for Barberitos that park in my parking spaces up front.
I guess that’s my first blog. I’m not sure how this thing works yet, (not the internets, but actually blogging, even though the internets are quite difficult at times). I think I’ll probably just write and see what happens. I’ll also be sure to post my thoughts on Movies that I have seen recently. Enjoy yourself and thank you for taking the time to read this….
p.s. here is some punctuation that I’m sure I left out .,.,..,.,.;;';';'
good blog. I agree Christmas has changed so much from when I was little and spending it with the special people is way more important than any gift. Plus now I get to watch Lorelai enjoy Christmas. Its funny how parents go from the people you want to avoid to the people you actually want to talk to. Have a Merry Christmas!!
good blog. I agree Christmas has changed so much from when I was little and spending it with the special people is way more important than any gift. Plus now I get to watch Lorelai enjoy Christmas. Its funny how parents go from the people you want to avoid to the people you actually want to talk to.
ReplyDeleteHave a Merry Christmas!!
You also left out two of these: ";" and one of these: ","...but who's counting.
ReplyDeleteAgreed about the Christmas...those are wise words.